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Tax & HMRC
Our corporate client, involved in facilitating international money transfers, was subjected to a HMRC investigation and received an Intended Penalty Notice from HMRC seeking payment of £720,000 arising from alleged breaches of the Money Laundering (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (‘the Regulations’). The submission of Representations by the KANGS Solicitors team resulted in the […]
Criminal Litigation
Section 183 of The Online Safety Bill 2023 (‘the Act’) creates two new offences committed by the sending or showing of flashing images with the intention of causing harm to a person with epilepsy. ‘Epilepsy’ describes a group of many different ‘epilepsies’ all having the common tendency to create seizures, i.e. sudden bursts of electrical […]
Financial Investigations, Tax & HMRC
In previous articles Money Laundering Regulations |Customer Due Diligence and MLR | Due Diligence, we outlined the manner in which The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017, (‘the Regulations’) imposed strict duties on various businesses to implement and supervise anti-money laundering measures and also the identification and […]
Tax & HMRC
HMRC, as a matter of course, investigates the underpayment of tax by multinational corporations with unpaid tax at £11.5bn, representing an increase of 6.9% from the 2021/22 tax year. Of that figure, it is believed that 48.6% is owed by US companies. Where HMRC suspects tax has been underpaid, it has the power to issue […]
Tax & HMRC
The removal of various tax reliefs, which had been introduced by section 24 of the Finance Act 2015, has resulted in the appearance of a Tax avoidance Scheme (‘the Scheme’) being marketed as a tax planning option claimed to reduce Landlords’ tax liabilities. HMRC is aware of the Scheme, sometimes referred to as a ‘Hybrid […]
Tax & HMRC
In a previous article ‘Side-Hustle Tax’ | HMRC Rules’, we explained new rules introduced on 1 January 2024 by HMRC requiring digital platforms involving popular apps or websites to collect and report information about seller transactions and income, which must be presented by 2025. Since the same date, online marketplaces have also been obliged to […]

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