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Environmental health, Regulatory
KANGS Solicitors has recently successfully concluded a matter on behalf of a client and her company, a food operator, both facing potential prosecution for breaches of Food Safety and Hygiene Regulations, following an inspection carried out by Birmingham City Council at the company’s trading premises in January 2023. Sukhdip Randhawa of KANGS Solicitors outlines the […]
When a Judge is considering an extradition request by a ‘Requesting State’ he has to be sure that, if granted, the human rights of the ‘Requested Person’, as provided by the European Convention on Human Rights (‘the ECHR’), will not be violated by the Requesting State. Article 3 of the ECHR states: ‘No one shall […]
Criminal Litigation, Sexual Offences
Rape and ‘sexual assault’ are two types of extremely serious sexual offences. Rape occurs when one person, without consent, intentionally penetrates the vagina, anus or mouth of the other with his penis. Assault by penetration involves one person penetrating, without consent, the vagina or anus of another with any part of the body other than […]
When deemed necessary to preserve a suspect’s assets, by preventing them from being sold or otherwise dissipated, a Restraint Order may be obtained from the Court prior to criminal proceedings which may lead to conviction and, subsequently, the making of a Confiscation Order under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (‘POCA’). Having obtained a Restraint […]
Account Freezing Order, POCA
KANGS has successfully represented a client against whom HMRC were seeking an Account Freezing Order alleging that considerable funds held in her bank account derived from criminal conduct. Tim Thompson of KANGS Solicitors reports on this successful outcome. KANGS has been representing clients facing investigation and proceedings commenced by HMRC, in both criminal and civil […]
Criminal Litigation
Bail is the conditional release of a suspect granted by a Court or the police containing the promise by the suspect to later appear at a Police Station or Court. It can take different forms and will frequently impose restrictions to ensure that the suspect complies with a police investigation. In criminal litigation proceedings bail […]

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