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Commercial Disputes
A contract is a legally binding agreement between at least two parties and formed according to essential basic principles. Contracts are formed in every aspect of domestic and commercial life covering activity from, for example, buying or selling services, a car or property. Within a contract there will exist, whether deliberately incorporated or not, terms […]
Commercial Disputes
Quantum meruit means ‘as much as one deserves’ and an action for quantum meruit seeks the value of services delivered but not paid for. A claim seeking quantum meruit may arise where, for example, there is no contract between the parties in which the price has been agreed or where there is a contract for […]
Civil Fraud
In a previous article posted to this website on 6th December 2023 entitled ‘Overjoyed Client | Bank Accounts Reinstated’, we reported on the steps taken by the Team at KANGS to assist our client successfully overturn a Bank’s decision to close his Business and Personal accounts. Having achieved this outcome, it then became necessary to […]
Commercial Disputes
The advancement of AI technology continues to produce challenges to the interpretation of existing laws. Whist most new technology will enjoy some form of Intellectual Property Right (‘IPR’) it seems that products actually created by technology itself do not satisfy the requirements of the Patents Act 1977 thereby enabling such a product to be registered […]
Financial Investigations, POCA
The Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (‘POCA’) enables cash seizures by investigators, where the amount involved is in excess of one thousand pounds, where they believe that: Such detained cash may be retained: In the recent case of Kingdom Corporate v Commissioner for HMRC, an issue arose as to whether the Application made to the […]
Tax & HMRC
‘Side Hustle Tax’ has, of late, featured heavily in the press and covers the generation of income, frequently from a source in addition to that of regular employed income, and often involving the sales of goods or services from digital platforms involving popular apps or websites such as Vinted, Uber, Bolt, eBay and Not on […]

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