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Criminal Litigation
Home Detention Curfew, or 'tagging' as it is commonly known, provides an alternative to prison and allows certain prisoners the opportunity to serve the last part of their sentence at home, or other suitable address, for a maximum period of six months. The scheme allows for the early release of offenders serving sentences of imprisonment […]
Criminal Litigation
One of the consequences of the Covid Pandemic is an exacerbation of the length of time it takes for criminal prosecutions to be brought before the Criminal Courts, especially, the Crown Court. Between 23 March and 18 May 2020, the Lord Chief Justice suspended all Jury trials given that the Courts could not readily adhere […]
Commercial Disputes, copyright, Intellectual Property Disputes
Generative Artificial Intelligence (‘AI’) is constantly developing technology that is quickly exerting an ever-increasing influence on our lives. AI directs computers towards thinking and behaving in a fashion resembling that of ‘humans’. AI feeds on information gathered from its surroundings, and responds appropriately and according to what it learns or senses. The constant growth of […]
Account Freezing Order, Civil Fraud
In an article posted to this website entitled ‘Account Freezing Order | Funds Frozen by Law Enforcement Agencies’ we explained the nature of an Account Freezing Order (‘AFO’) and the manner of Application under section 303Z1 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (‘POCA’). Kangs Solicitors has recently successfully assisted a client set aside an AFO which had been obtained against […]
Account Freezing Order
An Account Freezing Order (‘an AFO’) prohibits each person by or for whom the account to which the Order applies from making withdrawals or payments from the account. An AFO, inter alia, enables law enforcement agencies to prevent disposal of assets, suspected to have been gained as the result of criminal activity, pending the conclusion […]
ICO & Data Protection Investigations, Regulatory
Kangs Solicitors has been instructed by a national marketing company which is being investigated by the Information Commissioners Office (‘the ICO’) for alleged breaches of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (‘PECR’). Tim Thompson of Kangs Solicitors outlines the situation. The Privacy And Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) | Kangs Data Protections Defence Solicitors Everyone responsible for processing personal […]

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