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Account Freezing Order
An Account Freezing Order (‘an AFO’) prohibits each person by or for whom the account to which the Order applies from making withdrawals or payments from the account. An AFO, inter alia, enables law enforcement agencies to prevent disposal of assets, suspected to have been gained as the result of criminal activity, pending the conclusion […]
ICO & Data Protection Investigations, Regulatory
Kangs Solicitors has been instructed by a national marketing company which is being investigated by the Information Commissioners Office (‘the ICO’) for alleged breaches of the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003 (‘PECR’). Tim Thompson of Kangs Solicitors outlines the situation. The Privacy And Electronic Communications Regulations (PECR) | Kangs Data Protections Defence Solicitors Everyone responsible for processing personal […]
Commercial Disputes
The case of Norwich Pharmacal v Commissioners of Custom and Excise 1973 2 All ER 943 established that a person who is innocently caught up in the wrongdoing of another, so that they are more than a mere witness to the events, can be compelled to disclose the identity of that wrongdoer thereby enabling proceedings […]
Food Safety
Kangs Solicitors has recently defended a food safety prosecution of a client in a manner which he described asbeing ‘unimaginable’ to him. Our client, a company director, was facing prosecution for breaches of the Food Safety and Hygiene(England) Regulations 2013. Sukhdip Randhawa of Kangs Solicitors outlines the events. The Circumstances | Kangs Environmental Health Offences […]
Financial Investigations
As part of a criminal investigation Restraint Orders (‘an Order’) may well be obtained by the investigating authority upon an application to the Crown Court, under section 41 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA’), in order to prevent the disposal or dissipation of any assets , which the authority may seek to forfeit […]
Upon appointment to administer the affairs of an insolvent company, one of the roles of the appointed Insolvency Practitioner is to gather in all available assets and discharge creditors out of the recovered funds according to the Insolvency Rules. In order to accomplish this task, all of the insolvent company’s financial and trading records will […]

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