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Commercial Disputes
Navigating Commercial Disputes | Abuse of Process Explained
The conduct of procedure for business and commercial disputes in the Civil Courts is governed by The Civil Procedure Rules 1998 ('the CPR'), which introduced the 'overriding objective' to ensure, among other things, that: However, contrary to the requirements of the CPR, parties frequently seek to stall or permanently delay, the process without a credible […]
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Navigating Commercial Disputes | Abuse of Process Explained
Tax & HMRC
HMRC will conduct a formal Value Added Tax (VAT) evaluation and/or investigation to establish the correct tax liability of a trader. This is usually conducted where HMRC suspects that there is a discrepancy between the VAT a business has declared and what they believe is due. Thereafter, if HMRC believes there has been an underpayment […]
Tax & HMRC
A HMRC Compliance Check is an investigation carried out to ensure that individuals or businesses are paying the correct amount of tax. These checks can cover various taxes, including income tax, corporation tax, VAT and National Insurance. Several factors can prompt an HMRC Compliance Check, including inconsistencies in tax returns or accounts, significant shifts in […]
Dawn Raids, Serious Fraud, Tax & HMRC
KANGS has many years’ experience representing corporate and individual clients in criminal and civil investigations by HMRC arising from such persons involvement in either ‘promoting’ or ‘using’ Tax Avoidance Loan Schemes. ‘Tax Avoidance Loan schemes,’ often called 'disguised remuneration schemes,’ are designed to avoid paying Income Tax and National Insurance Contributions (NIC). These schemes have […]
Financial Investigations, POCA
A ‘Restraint Order’ can be made under Section 41 of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) to target the assets of individuals or companies. This includes property, bank accounts and other financial interests suspected to have derived from criminal activity. A Restraint Order prohibits the owner from selling, transferring, or otherwise managing specified assets. […]
A confiscation order under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA) is a legal mechanism used to recover the financial benefits gained from criminal activities. It is typically issued following a criminal conviction of a defendant of one or more specified offences. A confiscation order aims to deprive the defendant of any unlawful earnings and […]
Insolvency, Tax & HMRC
HMRC may request a security bond if they suspect a business might default on VAT, PAYE or NIC payments. Payment of the security bond may be required before the business is allowed to trade or continue to trade. A security bond is a pre-calculated cash deposit designed by HMRC to reduce the risk of losing […]

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