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Kangs Solicitors represent a Pakistani national who seeks to avoid deportation following imprisonment for a criminal conviction, where he proclaims his innocence and upon the basis that he is the son of a British national, entitled to citizenship by descent. History | Kangs Immigration Team Our client served a custodial sentence from July 2016 when […]
UK Immigration Officials are detaining thousands of individuals suspected of: illegal entry, visa violations, being overstayers, as well as those awaiting deportation and removal from the UK. Kangs Solicitors continue to represent clients who are or have been detained by the Immigration Authorities in Immigration Detention Centres and prisons. The Law | Kangs Solicitors Immigration […]
Entrepreneur visas are available to high net-worth individuals, living outside the EEA, looking to either create a new business or join an existing business in the UK. Financial Requirements The applicant must have access to sufficient funds, namely £200,000 (or £50,000 with other criteria being met), which are disposable i.e. available to be utilised in […]
Sharan Rupra of Kangs Solicitors outlines the entry bans that can be imposed by the Home Office on individuals who have previously breached immigration law. Individuals who have entered the UK illegally, overstayed their visa, breached a condition attached to leave or used deception in an immigration application may face the following re-entry bans which […]
Kangs Solicitors represent a client who is facing deportation from the UK following conviction for a criminal offence at Isleworth Crown Court. The Challenge | Kangs Solicitors Immigration Advisors As the result of receiving a custodial sentence in excess of twelve months our client faces automatic deportation from the UK. Contrary to popular belief, such […]
Cyprus allows dual citizenship. Obtaining citizenship from Cyprus will result in EU citizenship. A Cyprus citizenship can generally be obtained within a time scale of sixty – seventy days as the result of Cyprus inviting investment into the country. Sharan Rupra of Kangs Solicitors discusses how Citizenship by Investment for investors and their families in […]

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