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Client cleared of serious charges at Snaresbrook Crown Court


Kangs Solicitors represented a client charged with 2 counts of historic rape. The allegations were more than 20 years old. After a trial lasting 13 days at Snaresbrook Crown Court the client was unanimously acquitted by a jury. Hamraj Kang and Frances Murray had conduct of this case.

The client commented:

This has been a very harrowing experience for me and my family. There have been some very dark moments over the last 12 months or so but I have had to stay strong in order to fight these false allegations. I have been helped enormously by my solicitors Hamraj Kang and Frances Murray who have dealt with my matter with patience and great diligence. The support I received from both Frances Murray and my counsel Barry Kogan during the trial was fantastic and I would like to extend a special thank you to them.

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