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Overjoyed Client | Acquitted of Fraud & Money Laundering Offences


Kangs Solicitors has successfully defended our client, a fifty-five years old woman with no previous convictions, who was tried at Southwark Crown Court for alleged offences of fraud, converting / transferring criminal property and using criminal property under the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (POCA).

Helen Holder of Kangs Solicitors reports on this highly successful outcome.

Kangs Solicitors fields an expert Team defending clients on a national basis charged with criminal conduct of every nature including allegations of Business and Financial Crime.

The firm is led by senior partner, Hamraj Kang, an award-winning solicitor recognised for his expertise in white-collar criminal investigations.

For an initial no obligation discussion, please contact our team at any of the offices detailed

0207 936 6396

0121 449 9888

0161 817 5020




The Allegations | Kangs Financial Fraud Defence Solicitors

  • Our client was one of four defendants charged with fraud and associated money laundering offences relating to a US law firm based in the City of London.
  • Our client’s former male, life partner had been employed by the law firm as a Facilities and Services Manager from 1997 until his dismissal in 2018.
  • An internal audit conducted by accountants, Deloitte’s, estimated a financial loss to the law firm of between £1.4 and £2.1 million over the period 2015 – 2018 arising from the submission of false invoices which had been paid.
  • The illegally obtained funds had been transferred into personal bank accounts and spent on luxury purchases including holidays and cars.
  • Our client was charged with converting/transferring/using criminal proceeds as she had received a large amount of money into her bank account some of which was transferred to the lead defendant who, with another, had already pleaded guilty to their roles in the offences.

The Relevant Law | Kangs POCA Offences Defence Solicitors

POCA states at the following sections:

‘327  Concealing etc

(1)   A person commits an offence if he—

(a)    conceals criminal property;

(b )  disguises criminal property;

(c)   converts criminal property;

(d)  transfers criminal property;

(e) removes criminal property from England and Wales or from Scotland or from Northern Ireland.

329     Acquisition, use and possession          

(1)   A person commits an offence if he—

(a) acquires criminal property;

(b) uses criminal property;

(c) has possession of criminal property.’

Preparation for Trial | Kangs Criminal Fraud Defence Solicitors

It was indisputable that the money paid into our client’s accounts was criminal property and that she had converted or transferred and used it.

However, our client vehemently denied that she neither knew nor suspected that the money was criminal property and that she was totally innocent of any criminal activity.

By way of preparation for the Trial, the Team at Kangs Solicitors:

  • analysed in full all the Prosecution served material,
  • attended our client to take her instructions on all of the evidence served by the Prosecution and recording her version of events,
  • prepared our client’s detailed Proof of Evidence and Comments on the Prosecution evidence,
  • advised our client in detail upon her position and the future conduct of her defence,
  • represented our client at all Court Hearings,
  • being dissatisfied with the served Prosecution evidence, made a specific disclosure application to the Crown Court pursuant to Section 8 of the Criminal Procedure & Investigations Act 1996 to obtain the required documents which were thoroughly examined,
  • prepared, and examined, all relevant procedural documents including a voluminous Defence Bundle for presentation to the Jury for consideration throughout Trial and presented all items which supported our client’s version of events,
  • obtained Character References which supported our client’s positive good character;
  • identified and instructed Counsel of the highest calibre and attended all requisite conferences with both our client and counsel whilst preparing for trial.

The Successful Trial Outcome | Kangs Money Laundering Defence Solicitors

Following a full Trial, which began on the 20 February 2023, the Jury retired to consider its verdict on the 14 March 2023.

Despite the length of the Trial and the volume of material which the Jury had to consider, it took less than four hours for the Jury to return unanimous verdicts of ‘Not Guilty’ in relation to both counts faced by our client which is highly indicative of the extent to which our client’s evidence and innocence were readily accepted.

Naturally, our client was absolutely delighted with the result and the acceptance by the Jury of her total ignorance of the crimes with which she had been implicated and said:

“From the moment Helen took my case I knew I was in safe hands. Her diligence and attention to detail when interrogating the evidence presented was exceptional. But more importantly, her care and support during such a lengthy and emotional process made all the difference. I cannot thank her enough for that and her role in securing my acquittal along with my barrister Sonal Dashani. I will remain forever grateful.”

Who Can I Contact for Help? | Kangs National Criminal Defence Solicitors

Our nationally recognised Criminal Fraud Defence Team is here to assist you and is available 24/7 on telephone number 07989 521 210.

We welcome enquiries by telephone or email

We provide an initial no obligation consultation from our offices in London, Birmingham and Manchester.

Alternatively, we provide initial consultations by telephone or video conferencing.


Hamraj Kangs 0340 BW scaled e1690223799706

Hamraj Kang

Email Hamraj

07976 258171

020 7936 6396

0121 449 9888

Helen Kangs 0491 BW

Helen Holder

Email Helen

0121 449 9888

020 7936 6396

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