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Legal News & Expert Insights

Highlights & Opinions from Our Experts
Welcome to our legal news and expert insights, where our award-winning team of top-ranking lawyers, provide in-depth and insightful analysis on the legal landscape. Whether you are seeking the latest legal news, incisive commentary or professional guidance, our content is written to inform, inspire and empower.
Tax & HMRC
Inheritance Tax liability often leads to disputes, and we have noticed a significant rise in the number of clients we represent in various tax disputes with HMRC. Inheritance Tax is a tax on the estate such as property, money and the possessions of someone who has died. There is a standard inheritance tax rate but […]
Tax & HMRC
We are regularly instructed by corporate and individual taxpayers in disputes with HMRC in relation to a wide variety of taxes and duties. One such area in which disputes can arise is in relation to the correct application of Business Asset Disposal Relief (‘BADR’). BADR provides a tax relief opportunity when you sell or dispose […]
ADR & Mediation, Commercial Disputes
Resolving shareholder disputes and contract disputes can be complicated and contentious, yet it also offers opportunities for innovative solutions. Over the years, we have assisted commercial enterprises in all aspects of dispute resolution to help them avoid prolonged litigation. Our 25 years of experience has taught us that each contract dispute is different. Whether dealing […]
Cryptocurrency, Tax & HMRC
In the UK, the possession and transactions involving cryptoassets are subject to taxation under the same existing tax laws that apply to other assets. Due to the increasing popularity of cryptoassets and the growth in value of the cryptoasset market, HMRC now maintains an Internal Manual that outlines how transactions involving cryptoassets are treated. In […]
Regulatory, Tax & HMRC
We have published several articles on the strict duties and obligations imposed by The Money Laundering, Terrorist Financing and Transfer of Funds (Information on the Payer) Regulations 2017 (‘Money Laundering Regulations’). In a previous article on this subject, we explained the 'due diligence' measures that must be adopted by the 'relevant person'. Building on these […]
Regulatory, Trading Standards
‘National Trading Standards’ and ‘Local Trading Standards’ work together to provide and enforce consumer rights in England and Wales. National Trading Standards safeguards consumers and businesses across England and Wales, ensuring the safety of products entering the UK and the food chain. As part of its mandate, National Trading Standards combat eCrime, conduct regional investigations […]

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