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Legal News & Expert Insights

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Welcome to our legal news and expert insights, where our award-winning team of top-ranking lawyers, provide in-depth and insightful analysis on the legal landscape. Whether you are seeking the latest legal news, incisive commentary or professional guidance, our content is written to inform, inspire and empower.
Regulatory, Trading Standards
‘National Trading Standards’ and ‘Local Trading Standards’ work together to provide and enforce consumer rights in England and Wales. National Trading Standards safeguards consumers and businesses across England and Wales, ensuring the safety of products entering the UK and the food chain. As part of its mandate, National Trading Standards combat eCrime, conduct regional investigations […]
KANGS has successfully assisted a client obtain her removal from both the Children’s and Adult’s Barred Lists. Upon receiving a 'Minded to Bar Letter' from the Disclosure and Barring Service ('the DBS'), our client attempted to oppose the proposals to bar by submitting her own representations, but her efforts were unsuccessful. Accordingly, when our client […]
Serious Fraud, Tax & HMRC
A Tronc Scheme is an organised payment arrangement that allows businesses to fairly distribute tips, gratuities and service charges received from customers to their staff through payroll, without incurring National Insurance contributions for either employers or employees. A Tronc Scheme is usually operated to ensure that qualifying members of staff, including those who would not […]
Regulatory, Trading Standards
Vaping is the inhaling and exhaling of vapour produced by an electronic device called a vape or e-cigarette. Vapes are battery-operated devices that heat a liquid often containing nicotine and flavouring that creates a mist that users breathe in. These vaping devises which come in various forms such as ‘e-cigarettes’, ‘vapes’, ‘vape pens’, ‘vape bars’ […]
Criminal Litigation
In previous articles, we have discussed various sections of The National Security Act 2023, including 'Obtaining or Disclosing Trade Secrets' and 'Obtaining or Disclosing Protected Information.’ We focussed on Sections 1, 2 & 31 of Part 1 of the National Security Act 2023, which is designed to counter the evolving security threats to the United […]
Criminal Litigation, Sexual Offences
An indecent image is one of a child or children, aged under eighteen, which is sexual in nature. This can include nudity, partially clothed child(ren) or showing a child(ren) posing in a sexual manner. Such images may also include adults and animals. There is no legal definition of an indecent image and it is for […]

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