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Legal News & Expert Insights

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Welcome to our legal news and expert insights, where our award-winning team of top-ranking lawyers, provide in-depth and insightful analysis on the legal landscape. Whether you are seeking the latest legal news, incisive commentary or professional guidance, our content is written to inform, inspire and empower.
Tax & HMRC
All UK companies and foreign companies with offices based in the UK are required to pay corporation tax on their profits to HMRC at rates varying according to the level of profits. Currently, the rate of corporation tax of 19% for companies earning profits under £50,000 is generally applicable, and a main rate of 25% […]
Criminal Litigation, DBS
The process known as ‘rehabilitation’ involves restoring someone to normal life following situations such as imprisonment. On 28 October 2023, The Police, Crime, Sentencing and Court Act 2022 (‘the Act’) introduced changes to the rehabilitation period for people with a criminal record, following lobbying by various charities, such as Unlock and Transform Justice. The Act […]
Financial Investigations, Tax & HMRC
When conducting HMRC investigations, as part of its obligations to ensure that all individuals and corporates, pay the correct amount of Tax for which they are liable, HMRC, as the UK’s tax authority, may implement a HMRC Schedule 36 Notice under the Finance Act 2008 (‘the Act’). These Notices enable HMRC to demand, when reasonably […]
Commercial Disputes
Business efficacy is the power to produce the intended result. Contracts are an essential part of the conduct of everyday life, formed at many different levels, either informally, such as when purchasing groceries from the corner shop, or formally, when recorded in writing, as when purchasing a motor vehicle. A formal contract will consist of […]
Health & Safety, Regulatory
A manufacturing company in Hull was recently fined £366,500 and ordered to pay £7,325.82 in costs for breaching section 2(1) of the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 (‘the Act’) following the tragic death of one of its employees. Mohammed Ahmed of KANGS briefly outlines the circumstances of this case and the requirements of […]
Criminal Litigation, Sexual Offences
KANGS has successfully defended our 29-year-old client, charged with sexual offences against children under Sections 10 and 15A of the Sexual Offences Act 2003 (‘the Act’). Helen Holder of KANGS reports on this successful outcome. The Relevant Law | Sexual Offences Act 2003 The Act provides as follows: Section 10 - Causing or inciting a […]

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