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Successful Outcome | Fine Limited


Kangs Solicitors has recently represented a company and its director facing prosecution for an offence contrary to Regulation 19(1) of the Food Safety and Hygiene Act (England) Regulations 2013. 

Sukhdip Randhawa of Kangs Solicitors explains the steps undertaken to achieve this satisfactory outcome on behalf of both clients following receipt of summonses to appear at Thames Magistrates Court.

The Environmental Health & Food Safety Team at Kangs Solicitors regularly represent the proprietors of businesses subjected to investigation and summonses in relation to all aspects of the Food Safety and Hygiene Regulations across England and Wales.

For an initial no obligation discussion, please contact our team at any of the offices detailed




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The Investigation | Kangs Food Safety Offences Defence Solicitors

When Local Authority Officers attended the company’s premises on a routine food and safety inspection they discovered:

  • sixteen large raw sausages hanging from a display at different stages of the dry curing process which displayed no identification labels,
  • further unlabelled displays of sausages in the cold store area,   
  • that they were unable to obtain any information regarding the origins of the sausages or determine where they had been produced, their ingredients, allergen content or date of durability. 

As the business was unable to provide any information about the traceability of the source of the sausages found in the shop or cold store, a Detention Notice was served and a written Hygiene Report was left at the premises detailing the remedial action work which the business was required to undertake.

A second visit to the business premises was undertaken with confirmation of seizure of food and Notice was given to our client director of the company.

Food Condemnation Notice was obtained from the Magistrates Court and summonses were issued against both our client director and his company.

How We Assisted Our Client | Kangs Environmental Health and Hygiene Solicitors

By way of preparation of our clients’ defences to the two summonses received, the Kangs Defence Team:

  • examined in detail all the case papers served by the Prosecution
  • attended our director client discussing the circumstances which had led to the issue of the summonses against him and his company
  • advised upon their respective liabilities and the appropriate course to adopt in order to resolve the issues as satisfactorily as possible
  • discussed with our director client his communications with the Environmental Health Officers prior to instructing Kangs Solicitors
  • commenced discussions with the council seeking a suitable outcome without the need for a stressful and expensive trial

The Successful Outcome | Kangs Solicitors

Following negotiations with the council, it was agreed the summons against our client director would be withdrawn upon the company pleading guilty.

Detailed mitigation was presented to Thames Magistrates on behalf of the company with the result that:

  • the fine imposed on the company was limited to £1,600, 
  • the Costs Application presented by the council was reduced by half and
  • the company was allowed time in which to discharge the financial penalty

Our client director was naturally overjoyed at having the summons against him withdrawn and that the penalty imposed upon the company was far lower than may have been anticipated.

How Can We Help? | Kangs National Food Safety Defence Solicitors

It is important for any business or individual facing any situation which may have criminal implications to seek expert legal advice immediately to ensure that the interests of those concerned can be protected as far as possible.

If you are experiencing any issues involving Food and Health Safety and would appreciate expert advice, please do not hesitate to contact our Team via telephone 0333 370 4333 and by email

We provide initial no obligation discussion at our three offices in London, Birmingham and Manchester.

Alternatively, discussions can be held virtually through live conferencing or telephone.

Sukhi Kangs 0417 BW scaled e1690222441546

Sukhdip Randhawa

Email Sukhdip

0121 449 9888

020 7936 6396

0161 817 5020

John Veale 1

John Veale

Email John

0121 449 9888

020 7936 6396

0161 817 5020

Amandeep Murria

Amandeep Murria

Email Amandeep

0121 449 9888

020 7936 6396

0161 817 5020

Food Safety, Regulatory
KANGS has successfully resolved a prosecution brought by Birmingham City Council, involving multiple offences under the Food Safety and Hygiene Regulations 2013. Our client, the business director was delighted with the outcome of the case and praised Sukhdip Randhawa for his exceptional representation throughout the process. The outcome was all the more rewarding as our […]
The intent behind the issue by the Court of Director Disqualification Orders is to prevent those whose conduct in relation to the management of one or more companies has proven to be unacceptable, having regard to, inter alia, the requirements of prevailing company legislation, to the extent that it is appropriate to disqualify such individual(s) from being involved in the running of any registered company for such period as the Disqualification Order dictates.
Food Safety, Regulatory
KANGS has successfully secured a very satisfactory settlement on behalf of our client, a wholesale business handling food produce with a multi-million-pound turnover. The client faced charges for two offences related to food safety: marketing unsafe food products and using incorrect and misleading product labelling. Following investigations, Hull County Council pursued proceedings against our client […]

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