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Dawn Raids & 24/7 Rapid Response

The KANGS 24-hour Rapid Response Team consists of ten highly trained and experienced solicitors with a proven track record of advising corporate and individual clients in relation to all aspects of Dawn Raids. Recognised as one of the leading criminal defence firms in the country, we are ranked in the highest category for our work in representing clients in financial crime investigations by both the leading directories, Chambers UK and the Legal 500.
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What we do

Dawn Raids are an increasing feature of corporate life and are most commonly conducted by investigating authorities such as HM Revenue & Customs, the Serious Fraud Office, the Financial Conduct Authority, the Competition & Markets Authority and the National Crime Agency.

The KANGS 24-hour Rapid Response Team consists of ten highly trained and experienced solicitors with a wealth of experience advising corporate and individual clients in relation to all aspects of Dawn Raids. Our team is led by Hamraj Kang, an award-winning solicitor nationally recognised as a leader in the field of financial crime investigations. We have a reputation for securing the best possible results for our clients.

The initial advice provided at the interview under caution stage is key to achieving this result. Seeking early advice and assistance is vitally important in a Dawn Raid. Our Team is experienced in attending Dawn Raids and protecting the rights of corporate and individual clients whilst the investigators conduct their work.


A firm that is always ahead of the game and its competitors due to its outstanding client care and will to always win for their clients’.
The speed and accuracy at which the team works is breathtaking, and a brilliant service is always provided.
KANGS Solicitors is rated for the ‘proactive, expert defence’ it provides to executives and high-net-worth individuals
The team has a deep expertise in tax fraud and is known for its work on HMRC cases; in addition, it also has experience of engaging with the SFO and FCA, among other domestic authorities
The lawyers at KANGS are definitely geared to handle the most complex and sophisticated investigations and have over many years never failed to impress
An established reputation for its work in defending complex fraud allegations and is known for advising professional football clubs and sports personalities in matters involving criminal liability

Got a question?

Can't find what you need? Get in touch with our experienced team, who are happy to answer any questions you have. Call us on 0333 370 4333.

How can KANGS help?

We can assist by:

    • Attending at the Dawn Raid to assist the business and its employees. Our team members are experienced in attending numerous locations simultaneously to cover all premises affected by the Dawn Raid
    • Remaining present throughout the search process to ensure the investigators do not exceed the power granted by a court warrant
    • Ensuring that the unnecessary seizure of material is prevented thereby enabling the business to continue to operate with minimum disruption
    • Checking the legality and validity of the search warrant at the outset
    • Liaising with the investigators on your behalf before, during and after the search
    • Where appropriate, asserting legal professional privilege or confidentiality in relation to certain material and preventing its disclosure to the investigators
    • Making representations to the investigators to ensure the search and seizure of material is conducted within their appropriate powers and the scope of the search/seizure is lawful
    • Attending a closing meeting with the investigators at the conclusion of the Dawn Raid
    • Advising in relation to any regulatory breaches that may arise, such as FCA authorisation
    • Providing advice on managing ongoing reputational damage issues


  • We assist and represent individuals in need of urgent advice and support while under arrest following a Dawn Raid and who are being detained in a police station
  • Alternatively, we provide representation to individuals who have been invited to attend a voluntary interview under caution by the police or any other investigating authority

Dawn Raids, searches and arrests invariably occur during ‘out of office’ hours, so our dedicated Rapid Response Team of lawyers is available 24/7.  We will advise you upon the right approach to answering questions in interview or to providing the police or investigators with information. We will seek disclosure of questions and information to be put to you in an interview and anticipate the matters likely to be raised in the interview. We will provide advice and guidance on whether you should answer questions or exercise your ‘right to silence’.

We have a reputation for securing the best possible results for our clients. The initial advice provided at the interview under caution stage is key to achieving this result.

What is a Dawn Raid?

Quite often, the first indication for a business that it is under investigation is the arrival of a team of investigators early one morning. This is a Dawn Raid.

The raid on the business premises may be part of a wider coordinated plan resulting in simultaneous Dawn Raids taking place at various other business premises as well as at private residences belonging to company officials and personnel.

What happens at a Dawn Raid?

The investigators have the powers to:

  • Search, seize and copy documents and other material
  • Interview staff members
  • Arrest individuals
  • Interview individuals under caution

What are 'Search and Seizure' Powers?

Police officers and investigators have the power to enter and search business and residential premises usually pursuant to a search warrant. A Dawn Raid is conducted to ‘execute’ the search warrant.

The powers extend to:

  • Seizure of material including hard copy documents, computers, electronic data, mobile telephones, hard drives and back up storage units
  • Forensic experts forming part of the team of investigators downloading and copying electronic material on site, thereby allowing the business to retain the hardware

Contact KANGS

The expert lawyers at KANGS are available to assist you. We can arrange initial consultations in person, by video call or telephone.

Please contact one of our experts listed below or contact us at:

T: 0333 370 4333



The investigators have the power to speak to staff members individually and ask certain questions regarding their role and knowledge of certain matters.

We are experienced in attending Dawn Raids and liaising with investigators to ensure that:

  • Only the relevant members of staff are interviewed,
  • An appropriate record of any discussion is maintained, and
  • Any inappropriate line of questioning is not pursued


Police officers and certain investigators have the power to arrest individuals during a Dawn Raid. The arrests are usually made on arrival and before a search of the premises is commenced.

The arrested individual(s) will usually be transported to a police station by some of the investigators while the majority of the investigating team remain at the premises to conduct the search and seizure of material. The purpose of the arrest is usually to enable the investigators to conduct an interview under caution with the individual.


The police and other investigators can conduct an ‘interview under caution’ with an individual either on a voluntary basis or under arrest. The latter scenario is likely to apply following a Dawn Raid.

We have a reputation for securing the best possible results for our clients. The initial advice provided at the interview under caution stage is key to achieving this result.

Dawn Raids, Serious Fraud, Tax & HMRC

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Criminal Litigation, Dawn Raids
A previous article posted to the KANGS website entitled ‘Police Search and Seizure Powers’, detailed the manner in which The Police and Criminal Evidence Act 1984 (‘PACE’) provides the rules and procedure governing police interviews, questioning and search and seizure of property. PACE also governs procedure, alongside the Criminal Justice and Public Order Act 1994 […]
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