Traffic Commissioner Public Inquiry
Let us help you safeguard your operations
Being summoned to a Public Inquiry by the Traffic Commissioner can be a daunting experience. The Public Inquiry can have serious implications for your business, including the suspension or revocation of your operating licence.
Conditions may be attached to your license and financial penalties can be imposed. Other consequences include the disqualification of transport managers, individuals or companies from having a licence.
Our expert team is well-versed in the legal complexities of Traffic Commissioner Public Inquiries and is committed to providing you with the best possible defence.
If you have received a ‘Calling In Letter’, we are ready to provide you with robust advice and representation. We will guide you and your business as well as develop a strategy to work towards achieving a successful outcome.
Why Choose us:
- Proven Track Record: We have successfully defended numerous clients in Public Inquiries, achieving positive outcomes that protect their businesses and livelihoods.
- Personalised Approach: Our nationally recognised team of solicitors provide tailored legal strategies that align with your specific circumstances.
- Commitment to Excellence: We are dedicated to delivering the highest standard of legal representation, ensuring that you receive the best possible defence.
If you are facing a Traffic Commissioner Public Inquiry for regulatory HGV or PSV operations, it is important you seek immediate legal support. Contact us and schedule a consultation with one of our experienced solicitors. We are here to support you every step of the way.
Trust KANGS to provide your comprehensive and tailored legal support and let us help you safeguard your operations.
Got a question?
Who do KANGS act for in a Traffic Commissioner Public Inquiry?
We act for:
- road transport, haulage and logistics companies,
- operators of Heavy Goods Vehicles (HGV) & Public Service Vehicles (PSV),
- bus service and minibus operators,
- waste disposal companies,
- tour operators,
- transport managers,
- drivers.
Contact KANGS
The expert lawyers at KANGS are available to assist you. We can arrange initial consultations in person, by video call or telephone.
Please contact one of our experts listed below or contact us at:
What matters can the Traffic Commissioner deal with?
We assist clients who have received a ‘Calling In Letter’ from the Traffic Commissioner and we are available to represent clients nationwide.
There may be various reasons for the Calling In Letter including:
- the Operator Licence not being used in the appropriate manner
- concerns in relation to a new application for an Operator’s Licence
- complaints from the public regarding an existing Operator’s Licence
- unsatisfactory driver conduct
- allegations of inadequate vehicle maintenance
- compliance issues involving Transport Managers and/or Drivers
What can KANGS help you with?
We assist client with the following:
- advice and assistance in relation to a Calling In Letter
- legal advice and practical considerations in relation to the Full Brief received from the Traffic Commissioner setting out the allegations against the Operator, Transport Manager and Drivers
- we ensure clients comply with the Case Management Directions issued by the Traffic Commissioner
- preparation of detailed evidential bundles including witness statements and supporting documentary evidence in response to the Full Brief
- representation at the Public Inquiry for Operators, Transport Managers and Drivers.
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