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Sexual Offences

Kangs Solicitors have successfully helped a client retain his freedom despite his conviction relating to offences of possessing and distributing indecent images of children. The Circumstances | Kangs National Criminal Defence Team Our male client was identified following an investigation by the National Crime Agency and, following arrest, his home computer was seized and forensically […]
Cagin Husnu of Kangs Solicitors comments on the increasing level of criminal prosecutions arising from revenge pornography, known as revenge porn or, colloquially, sextortion. What Is Revenge Porn? | Kangs Sexual Offences National Defence Team Revenge porn is a form of sexual abuse conducted by the distribution of images of a sexual nature, frequently by […]
Kangs Solicitors are defending a client facing trial at Southwark Crown Court in respect of a number of very serious sexual offences allegations, historic in nature, which he is alleged to have committed. The Prosecution have obtained an adjournment to enable a detailed review of the evidence to be conducted following the recent collapse of […]
With the ever increasing volume of allegations of offences of an historic sexual nature, solicitors engaged in defending clients charged with such offences must have reliable knowledge of the current law relating to such offences and the manner in which it has developed from previous law. This importance became apparent in a recent judgment handed […]
Kangs Solicitors are regularly instructed by clients, including those attracting a high profile, who face allegations of having committed offences of a sexual nature. Frances Murray of Kangs Solicitors reviews the latest allegations to attract press attention. Recent Allegations | Kangs Sexual Offences Allegations Advisory Team The current flow of allegations of inappropriate activity of […]
Section 67 of the Serious Crime Act 2015, (‘the Act’), which came into force on 3rd April 2017, arises from the campaign launched in 2014 by the National Society for The Protection of Cruelty to Children in which it was suggested that a new offence was required to protect children from those who communicate sexually […]

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