Sexual Offences
In this, the last of his series of articles regarding Historic Sexual Offences, Nazaqat Maqsoom of Kangs Solicitors now looks at the approach the Courts must take when sentencing and factors that they must take into account. R v L [2017] EWCA Crim 43 This appeal, earlier this year, follows on from R v Forbes […]
Following his article ‘Allegations of Historic Sexual Offences’, Nazaqat Maqsoom of Kangs Solicitors identifies the nature of such offences. Nature Of Historic Sexual Offences | Kangs Criminal Advisory Solicitors These offences are reported and charged at any time after the alleged incident and the passage of time is not a factor that affects the Crown […]
Nazaqat Maqsoom of Kangs Solicitors comments on such offences. What Is An Historic Sexual Offences? | Kangs Advisory Solicitors An Historic Sexual Offence is simply an alleged offence where the allegations concerning the incident are made a long time after it occurred. Generally, the incident complained of will fall within the current law at that […]
Kangs Solicitors have successfully defended a client charged with a rape alleged to have taken place in a domestic setting. Meticulous defence preparation was undertaken which included the scrutiny of mobile phone communications, DNA analysis, examination of witness statements and in depth discussions with our client. The client was acquitted by a jury at Birmingham […]
Kangs Solicitors have successfully defended a client, who is a pharmacist, charged with rape. The Prosecution alleged that our client had raped a female following an evening at a popular night spot in Central London. However, following a trial lasting six days at Wood Green Crown Court, our client was unanimously acquitted by the jury. […]
Kangs Solicitors are defending a qualified pharmacist facing allegations of rape whose trial commenced on 15th May 2017. Position To Date | Kangs Crown Court Trial Solicitors The Prosecution are alleging that our client raped a female following an evening at a popular night spot in Central London. Our client strongly denies these allegations. The […]