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Allegations of Sexual Offences | Kangs Serious Crime Solicitors


Kangs Solicitors are regularly instructed by clients, including those attracting a high profile, who face allegations of having committed offences of a sexual nature.

Frances Murray of Kangs Solicitors reviews the latest allegations to attract press attention.

Recent Allegations | Kangs Sexual Offences Allegations Advisory Team

The current flow of allegations of inappropriate activity of a sexual nature on the part of high profile individuals in the world of entertainment and politics seems endless.

Following in the path of the scandals involving the likes of Jimmy Saville and Rolf Harris allegations against film producer Harvey Weinstein are capturing the attention of the movie world in Hollywood.

Others facing such allegations in the entertainment world are the singer, R Kelly, and latterly, Sylvester Stallone.

In the political world, in the USA it is reported that Republicans in Washington seemed near in panic in the light of a news report in which four women said Roy S Moore, the Republican nominee for a seat in Alabama had made sexual or romantic overtures to them when they were teenagers and he was in his thirties.

On our own shores we witnessed the departure of Michael Fallon, who resigned as defence secretary who was named at the beginning of the Westminster sexual harassment scandal which appears to be developing on a daily basis.

MP Fallon announced his resignation from Theresa May’s Cabinet, admitting that his behaviour in the past had, in his own words, ‘fallen short’ of what is expected of him.

Fallon has confessed to inappropriate behaviour, more than a decade ago, towards Julia Hartley-Brewer, a journalist, when he is alleged to have overstepped the mark by putting his hand on her knee.

Tragically, shortly after Fallon’s resignation, it was reported that former Welsh Government minister, Carl Sargeant, had been found dead at his home just days after being suspended from the Labour Party over his ‘personal conduct’. It is believed that he took his own life.

Sargeant had quit his post as Cabinet Secretary for Communities and Children in Cardiff, the week before his death following allegations of a sexual nature made against him.

Historic Allegations | Kangs Alleged Historic Offences Defence Team

In response to Fallon’s confession of inappropriate behaviour, Julia Hartley-Brewer responded saying ‘If Michael Fallon quit over my ‘kneegate’ it’s insane and absurd’.

Such allegations of inappropriate conduct become immensely damaging to those accused the moment they are in the public domain, whether or not there is any truth at all in them.

The allegations frequently prove to be unsustainable through the passage of time depleting or removing whatever evidence there may have been but that is of little comfort to those accused.

How Can We Help You? | Kangs Sexual Allegation Defence Solicitors

We are experienced in assisting clients against whom allegations of a sexual nature have been made.

Our legal team enjoys specialist knowledge gained from extensive experience handling historic abuse allegations.

Kangs Solicitors experience in defending sexual offence cases, some examples of our recent work can be found below:

Who Can I Contact For Help? | Kangs Criminal Defence Solicitors

We are here to assist you manage your contact with the prosecuting authority and advise you on any criminal proceedings involving allegations of a sexual nature.

Our expert team of Solicitors can be contacted through the following:

Hamraj Kang
07976 258171 | 020 7936 6396 | 0121 449 9888

John Veale
07779 055907 | 0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

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