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Alleged Money Laundering From China | Account Freezing Orders | Kangs Financial Offence Defence Solicitors


Kangs Solicitors has been instructed to represent a client, a Chinese student, alleged to have received funds from China which is suspected to either be the proceeds of crime or are intended to be used in unlawful conduct.

It would appear that our client is one of many being targeted as part of  a multi-agency crackdown on alleged money laundering emanating from the Far East with particular focus on China.

The investigation has attracted the attention of the national press and can be further viewed by clicking on to the below link:

Steps Taken By The UK Authorities | Account Freezing Orders | Kangs Freezing Order Solicitors

  • Numerous bank accounts have been identified which are held in the names of Chinese students and are considered to be ‘suspicious’ on the basis that it is suspected that the funds are either ‘Recoverable Property’ or are ‘Intended for use by a Person in Unlawful Conduct’
  • Account Freezing Orders (‘AFOs’) have been obtained under section 303Z1(2) of the Proceeds of Crime Act 2002 (‘POCA’) simultaneously in numerous Magistrates’ Courts across the country
  • The AFOs have been served on the UK Banks and on those Chinese Student account holders currently resident in the UK
  • The total value of the funds affected across all bank accounts subjected to the AFOs amounts to many millions of pounds sterling

How We Are Assisting Our Client | Kangs Restraint Order Advisory Solicitors

  • The Court has granted an AFO against our client’s accounts for a period of nine months whilst matters are investigated. The Court has the power to extend this period to a maximum of two years
  • Kangs Financial Offences Defence Team is now exploring our client’s position with a view to opposing the AFO

How Can We Assist? | Kangs Account Forfeiture Orders Defence Solicitors

The team at Kangs Solicitors deals with a wide variety of applications made under POCA throughout the country on  a daily basis.

Our team is headed by award winning solicitor Hamraj Kang and the team as a whole is recognised by both the leading directories namely the Legal 500 and Chambers & Partners.

Please do not hesitate to contact our team if you are served with an AFO, POCA or any other Restraint Order through any of the following who will be pleased to assist you:


Hamraj Kang
Email Hamraj
07976 258171

020 7936 6396

0121 449 9888


John Veale
Email John
0121 449 9888

020 7936 6396


Tim Thompson
Email Tim
0121 449 9888

020 7936 6396

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