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Client Retains Freedom | Indecent Images | Kangs Sexual Offences Defence Solicitors


Kangs Solicitors have successfully helped a client retain his freedom despite his conviction relating to offences of possessing and distributing indecent images of children.

The Circumstances | Kangs National Criminal Defence Team

Our male client was identified following an investigation by the National Crime Agency and, following arrest, his home computer was seized and forensically analysed.

The forensic examination identified many thousands of category A, B and C indecent images and moving videos.

Defence Preparation | Kangs Serious Sexual Offences Defence Team

Kangs team examined the prosecution evidence in detail and established that our client had both possessed and distributed indecent images of children.

Having taken our client’s instructions in detail, the alternatives were explained to him and he accepted that he had no option other than to plead guilty.

He appreciated that his involvement in distribution substantially increased the likelihood that he would receive an immediate custodial sentence, although he was advised that the presentation to the court of strong mitigating circumstances may result in the award of a suspended sentence.

Consequently, the Kangs team took to work in collating and building an extensive mitigation pack in order to assist Counsel, whom we had carefully selected, during the Sentencing Hearing.

Sentencing Guidelines | Kangs Trial Preparation Solicitors

The Sentencing Council’s Definitive Guidelines on possession of indecent images, identifies the three levels of indecent image, category A, B and C and draws a distinction between possession, distribution and production.

Given the amount of indecent images, our client’s case fell into a number of the sentencing brackets.

The most serious offences, which attract a greater sentence, were the possession of category A images and the distribution of category B images.

Possession of category A images has a starting point of one year’s custody within a range of six months to three years.

The Sentencing Hearing | Kangs Serious Sexual Offences Trial Solicitors

Whilst the learned Judge concluded that a custodial sentence was inevitable, given the type of offending involved, he was, however, persuaded by the extensive mitigation put forward, to issue a period of two years imprisonment but to suspend it, thereby enabling our client to retain his freedom.

Additionally, our client was ordered to complete one hundred hours of unpaid work.

Naturally, our client was delighted to retain his independence.

How Can We Help?| Kangs Criminal Defence Team

Kangs Solicitors have a wealth of knowledge and experience in dealing with all aspects of sexual offending and we have extensive experience in defending matters involving:

Who Can I Contact For Help? | Kangs National Criminal Defence Team

Please feel free to contact our team through any of the solicitors named below who will be happy to provide you with some initial advice and assistance.

Hamraj Kang
07976 258171 | 020 7936 6396 | 0121 449 9888

Helen Holder
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

Steve Micklewright
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

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