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Cyprus | Direct Citizenship By Investment|Kangs Immigration Solicitors

  • Cyprus allows dual citizenship.
  • Obtaining citizenship from Cyprus will result in EU citizenship.
  • A Cyprus citizenship can generally be obtained within a time scale of sixty – seventy days as the result of Cyprus inviting investment into the country.

Sharan Rupra of Kangs Solicitors discusses how Citizenship by Investment for investors and their families in Cyprus may be obtained.

What Is Cyprus Citizenship By Investment? | Kangs Solicitors Immigration Team

The Cypriot Government provides a number of incentives to attract direct foreign investments into the country through investment, one of which being the granting of citizenship in Cyprus.

This may be fulfilled by investments in one, or more, of the following:

  1. Residential property or commercial property purchase, construction or development.
  2. Participation in Cypriot business or companies in several ways.
  3. Alternative Investment Funds or assets of Cypriot businesses or organisations licensed by Cyprus Securities and Exchange Commission.
  4. Government bonds of Cyprus.

Benefits Of Cypriot Citizenship | Kangs Immigration Advisory Solicitors

  • Cyprus is a full member of the EU thereby entitling the holder of such citizenship and various family members to full EU rights including the ability to work, live, travel or study anywhere in the twenty eight EU countries and to travel visa free in one hundred and fifty eight  countries in total.
  • There is no inheritance tax in Cyprus.
  • There are beneficial tax rates.
  • There is an automatic right to a Shengen visa.
  • The Island enjoys very low crime rates.
  • As a top holiday destination, it provides substantial property rental opportunities.
  • The initial property investments can be sold after three years.
  • There is no requirement that an investor must reside in Cyprus.

Requirements For Citizenship By Investment | Kangs Immigration Advisors

These include:

  1. Investment of two million euros in a single property or portfolio.
  2. Retention of initial investments for a minimum period of three years.
  3. Possession of a Clean Criminal Record Certificate.
  4. The provision of biometric data.

How Can We Help? | Kangs Immigration Solicitors

Kangs Solicitors has an established, specialised, and proven  Immigration Department, able to assist, in the UK and abroad, in all aspects of citizenship applications from initial application preparation through to the procedural conclusion.

Who Should I Contact? | Kangs Immigration Team

Please feel free to contact our Immigration team for advice through either of the following:

Sharan Rupra
07989 521 210 | 0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

Languages spoken: English, Turkish, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi

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