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Distinguished Speakers at London Office Event | 11th June 2019


Kangs Solicitors, in association with Intelligence Forums, are proud to present a talk at our London offices this evening featuring three distinguished speakers:

The Right Honourable Lord Teverson is a Liberal Democrat politician, and his main focus in the Chamber is climate change and energy issues. As part of this work he has chaired both the House of Lords EU select sub-committee on External Affairs, and its ad-hoc select committee on the Arctic.

Andrew Chamberlain is the Deputy Director of Policy and External Affairs at the Association of Independent Professionals and the Self Employed.

David Mortlock serves as the Head of Investment & Corporate Banking, a Member of the Management Board and also the Head of the London Office at Berenberg Bank. He is responsible for the investment banking, private banking and asset management teams.

We look forward to welcoming our guests and speakers to what should be a great event.

Kangs Solicitors London Office

9 Carmelite Street, London, EC4Y 0DR.

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