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DNP Death | Client Not Guilty | Kangs Serious Crime Defence Solicitors


As reported in her article posted to this site on May 16th 2018, Frances Murray of Kangs Solicitors has been defending a client charged, alongside others, with supplying DNP for human consumption, which the Prosecution claims resulted in a person’s death.

Frances Murray now reports the successful outcome achieved for our client.

The Allegations | Kangs Regulatory Defence Team

The Prosecution alleged that our client operated a number of companies, set up with others, for the sale and supply of DNP in capsule form as a weight loss supplement for human consumption.

Our client was charged with placing unsafe food on the market, a regulatory offence which is contrary to Article 14 of Regulation (EC) 178/2002 and Regulation 19 of the Food Safety and Hygiene (England) Regulations 2013.

The Prosecution alleged that the sale led to the death of an individual and our client was charged with both unlawful act manslaughter and gross negligence manslaughter, both of which charges were strongly denied. The Prosecution also alleged that our client had laundered the proceeds of crime.

How We Assisted Our Client | Kangs Serious Crime Trial Preparation Team

Trial preparation included:

  • regularly attending our client taking detailed instructions
  • examining and considering all aspect of the relevant law
  • extensive scrutiny of the voluminous evidence served by the Prosecution including evidence of medical professionals and the forensic analysis of electronic evidence
  • identifying and instructing in detail experienced Queens Counsel and junior counsel to present our client’s defence at court
  • attending client in conferences with counsel.

At the Trial:

  • following the Prosecution’s presentation of its case, it was apparent to us that there was no evidence sufficient to support the conviction of our client.
  • accordingly, it was submitted to the Judge that there was ‘no case to answer’ on the basis there was insufficient evidence for a jury to properly convict.
  • the Judge agreed with the submission put forward and directed the jury to acquit our client of both charges.
  • the Prosecution proceeded against our client in respect of the money laundering allegation
  • following expert cross examination of the Prosecution witnesses and forensic analysis of our client’s bank accounts the jury unanimously returned a not guilty verdict

Naturally, our client was ecstatic at the result and extremely grateful for the hard work involved in the preparation of the successful defence.

Our client commented as follows:

“I’m extremely grateful to Kangs for their hard work and dedication to my case. Their expert knowledge of such cases contributed hugely to my acquittal of all charges.  In particular, I would like to thank Frances Murray of Kangs Solicitors for all her efforts and her continued support throughout the criminal proceedings”.

How Can We Help You? | Kangs Food Standards Agency Solicitors

Kangs Solicitors defend both companies and individuals charged with serious crime of all nature throughout the country on a daily basis and assisting  clients subject to investigation and prosecution by the Food Standards Agency.

Cases of this nature require a legal team with specialist knowledge and extensive experience as they invariably involve complex legal issues.

If you are being investigated by the Food Standards Agency or any other authority we are able to assist with all stages from interview through to trial.

We have extensive experience of dealing with cases investigated and prosecuted by all the major prosecuting authorities such as the SFO, FCA, HMRC, CPS, Trading Standards, Environment Agency, Food Standards Agency etc.

Who Can I Contact For Help? | Kangs National Criminal Defence Solicitors

If you are an individual or a company, we are here to assist you manage your contact with the prosecuting authority and advise you on any criminal proceedings.

Our team of solicitors has a proven track record assisting individuals and businesses facing the prospect of these criminal proceedings.

Our expert team of Solicitors can be contacted through the following:

Hamraj Kang
07976 258171 | 020 7936 6396 | 0121 449 9888

John Veale
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

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