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Expert Solicitors In Asylum Appeals | Kangs Immigration Solicitors


Kangs Solicitors have been instructed to represent a client, a Turkish national residing in the UK, who has been refused asylum based on his sexual orientation and gender identity.

Cagin Husnu of Kangs Solicitors comments, subsequent to a previous article concerning eligibility.

Our Client’s Claim and Appeal | Kangs Immigration Appeal Solicitors

Our client claimed asylum in the UK after fleeing Turkey following the effects of his realisation that he is homosexual and identifies himself as a woman.

Our client states that he had been detained and tortured in Turkey as the result of his sexual orientation and gender identity and, despite, trying to relocate in Turkey, he suffered ongoing hardship.

He, therefore, travelled to the UK and claimed asylum.

Although, following interview by a Home Office representative, it was accepted that he is homosexual and that he identifies himself as being a woman, his claim was refused as he could not demonstrate that the Turkish authorities would not protect him.

Appeal Procedure | Kangs Immigration Advisory Solicitors

Upon refusing asylum, the Home Office issues a letter detailing their findings and reasons for refusing the applicant.

The date of this refusal letter is important as, within fourteen days, any proposed appeal to the First-Tier Tribunal has to be lodged.

The items required to commence an appeal are:

  • a Court fee of £140.00, in the case of in-country oral appeals,
  • a copy of the Home Office refusal letter,
  • reasons for refusal,
  • Form IAFT-5 and
  • Grounds of Appeal.

How We Are Assisting | Kangs Appeal Team

  • Detailed instructions have been taken from our client as to his social history and the nature of the difficulties experienced.
  • Research has been undertaken to ascertain the attitudes of the authorities and population of Turkey towards circumstances such as those being experienced by our client.
  • Reports prepared by the UK government which set out the country’s official stance on LGBT issues, have been scrutinised.
  • All of the documents requisite for the appeal hearing which is due to take place at the end of July 2017, are being meticulously prepared.

How Can We Help? | Kangs Immigration Team

Kangs Solicitors fields an immigration team that is second to none and is renowned for its meticulous preparation of all cases.

If you find yourself in a position whereby you require immigration advice on any matter then please do not hesitate to contact our team through either of the following:

Sharan Rupra
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396 | 07989 521 210

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