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First Architects Registration Board Prosecution to Proceed to Trial | Regulatory Solicitors


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Frances Murray of Kangs Solicitors provides some details of a recent case involving a client training to be an architect accused of fraud.

The Architects Registration Board (“ARB”) was established by Parliament in 1997 to regulate the architects’ profession in the United Kingdom.

The ARB’s duties are contained in the Architects Act 1997 and cover various areas of regulation in relation to protection of the profession and the protection of public interest.

The UK Qualification Route | Criminal Defence Solicitors

There are three main routes to registration but, typically, those studying in the UK will:

  • take a three year full time first degree in architecture (“Part 1”);
  • followed by a year of appropriate professional experience;
  • then a two year full time second degree or diploma in architecture (“Part 2”);
  • followed by a further year of professional experience;
  • and then, finally, the Professional Practice Examination (“Part 3”).

A person is required to have all three qualifications in order to apply for registration together with a minimum of twenty four months appropriate practical training experience.

The Non-UK Qualification Route | Defending Professionals in Criminal Cases

Qualifications that are awarded out of the United Kingdom (or the European Union, in the case of EU nationals holding qualifications accredited under Directive 2005/36/EC) are not recognised (“prescribed”) towards the purposes of registration as an Architect in the United Kingdom.

The ARB determines equivalence through the Part 1 and Part 2 prescribed examinations and having passed the examinations at the relevant level, applicants are then eligible to be awarded further Part 2 and / or Part 3 prescribed qualifications through a UK School of Architecture.

Once Part 3 has been obtained applicants are then eligible to apply to join the Register.

The Current Case | Solicitors Specialising in Defending Fraud Cases

It is alleged that our client, a French National, provided evidence in the form of various documents to evidence her qualification via the route described above. The issue centres on the validity and authenticity of this documentation.

The client is charged contrary to Section 1 Fraud Act 2006 by way of dishonestly making a false representation intending thereby to make a gain, cause loss to another or expose another to risk of loss, by making a representation which was and which they knew to be false in breach of Section 2 of the Fraud Act 2006.

The case is due to be heard at Southwark Crown Court and is the first ARB prosecution to proceed to a trial.

Our Experience in defending clients from professional backgrounds | Kangs Solicitors

We at Kangs Solicitors specialise in defending criminal and regulatory allegations brought against clients who work in the various professions.

We have a long established record of successfully dealing with such cases and some examples of our work can be seen by following the links below:

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Our team of solicitors is here to help you. Should you require any advice and assistance to include an initial free consultation we would welcome your call.

Our specialist solicitors can be contacted as follows:

Hamraj Kang
07976 258 171 | 020 7936 6396 | 0121 449 9888

Colin Parker
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

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