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What is ‘Insider Dealing’?|Kangs Solicitors Fraud Team


‘Insider Dealing’ is the illegal practice of trading on the stock exchange to one’s own advantage through having access to confidential information.

The practice includes activities such as dealing whilst in possession of inside information, encouraging others to deal in such circumstances and the disclosure of information assisting in such conduct, other than in the proper performance of employment.

Solicitors Dealing with FCA Cases | Insider Trading Fraud Solicitors

The Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) is the primary agency charged with taking regulatory or criminal action action against those accused of these offences.

Following the conclusion, in 2016, of the largest investigation in to insider dealing, '' the FCA are increasing their efforts to initiate prosecutions against those involved in insider dealing.

This highlighted case involved an individual who worked in succession for Morgan Stanley, Lehman Brothers and Deutsche Bank during the period subject to investigation.

The FCA is equipped with a wide range of criminal investigative powers to conduct   exhaustive interviews of suspects, share  information with overseas agencies, execute dawn raids, restrain international and domestic bank accounts and extradite suspects to the UK.

The offence of Insider Dealing carries a maximum sentence of seven years imprisonment or an unlimited fine.

How can we help? | Insider Trading Solicitors

Kangs Solicitors has an unrivalled level of client care and proven track record in regulation and criminal litigation. Our team will work proactively and relentlessly to ensure you are equipped to deal with an FCA investigation.

We have a wealth of experience in representing clients who find themselves subject to a police investigation, which may include the issue of search warrants, the freezing of assets by restraint orders or the issue of company director  disqualification proceedings.

We regularly deal with cases of alleged business and finance fraud including investigations involving spread betting.

We understand the importance of protecting an individual’s business interests and reputation.

Our lawyers are adept at working swiftly and discreetly during the early stages of an investigation in order to achieve this and the continued provision of concise and pragmatic advice as such investigation progresses.

Who do I need to contact for assistance? | Kangs Fraud Solicitors

Our team assists many clients in this area of work and would welcome you making contact through any of the following:

Hamraj Kang
07976 258 171 | 020 7936 6396 | 0121 449 9888

Tim Thompson
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396 | 07989 521210


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