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Iraq and the War | Kangs Immigration Lawyers


The Human Rights situation in Iraq has continued to deteriorate as the result of operations being carried out by the Iraqi forces endeavoring to regain control of Mosul and other cities from, so called, Islamic State.

There are grave concerns for the safety of innocent civilians caught up in this fighting and the overwhelming humanitarian crisis affecting the Iraqi population as a whole.

Fresh Claim For Asylum Seekers | Immigration Solicitors

If you are an Iraqi national who is a failed asylum seeker, you are now entitled to submit a ‘Fresh Claim’ to the Home Office as the result of this situation in Iraq, which should contain an explanation that there has been a substantial change in living conditions in your country.

A different outcome to your application may be achieved f you can show that you would fear for your life and safety and would be unable to receive protection upon your return.

Humanitarian Protection is available under Article 3 of the Human Rights Act 1998 if you may be faced with “treatment which arouses in the victim feelings of fear, anguish and inferiority capable of debasing and humiliating a victim”.

Article 15C of the same Act may also come into force as it is intended to be complementary and additional to the protection available in the Refugee convention and an application for international protection may be appropriate.

How Can We Help? | Kangs Immigration Solicitors

At Kangs Solicitors we have an experienced team of immigration lawyers who regularly advise and assist clients with immigration status issues in the UK.

We have a proven track record of successfully advising and guiding clients through the immigration appeals process.

Who Can I Contact For Help? | Kangs Solicitors

Arrangements can be made to meet at any of our offices in Birmingham, London and  Manchester.

Please feel free to contact our Immigration Team through either of the following who will be happy to speak to you and guide you:


Sharan Rupra
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

Kangs Solicitors has successfully assisted a male client, a Pakistani national who had been a victim of domestic abuse, in his application for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. The Circumstances | Kangs Immigration Solicitors How We Assisted Our Client | Kangs Immigration Team How Can We Help? | Kangs Immigration Solicitors If you […]
In an article posted to this site on September 27th 2019 the nature of both the Article 4 European Convention of Human Rights 1950 and the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015 were explained. Forms Of Modern Slavery | Kangs Immigration Offences Team How Can We Help? | Kangs Slavery and Immigration Offences Defence Solicitors The […]
Kangs Solicitors has recently succeeded in assisting a client, who is a female Pakistani national and who had suffered domestic abuse, obtain Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. The Circumstances | Kangs Immigration Appeal Solicitors Domestic Abuse | Kangs Domestic Abuse Team The abuse suffered by our client included her: How We Assisted Our […]

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