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Registration Certificate Applications | Kangs Solicitors


A national of a country within the European Economic Area (EEA), or of Switzerland, has an automatic right to live, work and study in the UK.

Whilst there is no legal requirement for an EEA national to obtain a Registration Certificate, possession of one assists as it:

  • evidences legal status in the UK as a resident,
  • supports any application for EEA nationals and family members who wish to live in the UK,
  • assists re-entry into the UK following foreign travel,
  • evidences the right to work in the UK,
  • supports certain benefits and services applications.

Who Can Make An Application For Registration Certificate?

An applicant must:

  • be a citizen of an EU member state
  • be a family member or extended family member of an EEA national
  • have retained right of residence (or submit the necessary supportive application)

What Are The Requirements?

The applicant must be:

  • working,
  • actively seeking employment,
  • studying or
  • able to financially support themselves and their family members, where applicable.

How Can We Help?

Kangs Immigration Team is able to assist in all aspects of asylum and immigration at all stages from application preparation to representation at Tribunal and any subsequent Appeal Hearings.

At Kangs Solicitors, our experienced team of immigration solicitors advises and assists clients with immigration status issues in the UK, on a daily basis.

We have a proven track record of successfully advising and guiding clients through the immigration application and appeals process.

Who Can I Contact For Help? | Kangs Immigration Solicitors

Please feel free to contact our Immigration Team through either of the following who will be happy to speak to you and guide you:

Sharan Rupra
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396 | 07989 521 210

Languages spoken: English, Turkish, Urdu, Punjabi, Hindi

Kangs Solicitors has successfully assisted a male client, a Pakistani national who had been a victim of domestic abuse, in his application for Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. The Circumstances | Kangs Immigration Solicitors How We Assisted Our Client | Kangs Immigration Team How Can We Help? | Kangs Immigration Solicitors If you […]
In an article posted to this site on September 27th 2019 the nature of both the Article 4 European Convention of Human Rights 1950 and the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015 were explained. Forms Of Modern Slavery | Kangs Immigration Offences Team How Can We Help? | Kangs Slavery and Immigration Offences Defence Solicitors The […]
Kangs Solicitors has recently succeeded in assisting a client, who is a female Pakistani national and who had suffered domestic abuse, obtain Indefinite Leave to Remain in the UK. The Circumstances | Kangs Immigration Appeal Solicitors Domestic Abuse | Kangs Domestic Abuse Team The abuse suffered by our client included her: How We Assisted Our […]

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