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Sexual Communication With A Child | Kangs Criminal Defence Solicitors


Section 67 of the Serious Crime Act 2015, (‘the Act’), which came into force on 3rd April 2017, arises from the campaign launched in 2014 by the National Society for The Protection of Cruelty to Children in which it was suggested that a new offence was required to protect children from those who communicate sexually with them.

Clearly, the Act is designed to prevent adults talking sexually to children via chatrooms or to send explicit messages via text, or other social media.

The Act | Kangs Sexual Offences Team

  • The Act provides that it is a criminal offence for a person aged over 18, for the purpose of obtaining sexual gratification, to intentionally communicate, for example by social media, with a child under 16 years, or where it is not reasonably believed the child is over that age, if the communication is sexual or is intended to encourage the child to make a communication that it sexual.
  • A communication is regarded as being sexual, for the purposes of this section of the Act, if any part of it relates to sexual activity or a reasonable person would consider any part of the communication to be sexual.

Defence | Kangs Advisory Solicitors

A defence may be available to an accused who can show that it was reasonably believed that the person with whom he/she was communicating was over 16.

Sentence Upon Conviction | Kangs Sexual Offences Defence Team

The offence is an ‘either way’ offence i.e. triable in either the Magistrates’ Court or a Crown Court and carries a maximum of 2 years imprisonment.

How Can We Help? | Kangs Sexual Allegation Defence Lawyers

It is important that when facing any allegation our criminal team is contacted immediately  to ensure proper advice and guidance.

Kangs Solicitors are regularly instructed to defend people facing serious criminal proceedings throughout the country, and have a dedicated team of experienced Solicitors who have a proven track record of securing acquittals and the most successful results available.

We have many years expertise in defending all kinds of criminal allegation

Kangs Solicitors can represent you at any stage from investigation stage to Trial, or subsequent appeal.

Who Can I Contact? | Kangs Criminal Defence Solicitors

We have a specialist team at Kangs Solicitors dealing with a full range of criminal cases on a daily basis at Court, throughout the country.

Arrangements can be made to meet at our offices in Birmingham, London or Manchester.

Please feel free to contact our crime team through any of the following who will be happy to speak to you and guide you:

Sukhdip Randhawa
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396| 07989 521 210 (24hr Emergency Number)

John Veale
07779 055907 | 0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 6396

Steven Micklewright
0121 449 9888 | 020 7936 639607989 521 210 (24hr Emergency Number)

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