The ‘Drone Code’ | Aviation Law | Kangs Regulatory Solicitors
New laws regulating the use of Drones came into force on 30th July 2018 which considerably restrict their use.
Steven Micklewright of Kangs Solicitors discusses the introduction of the new ‘Drone Code’.
The Law | Air Navigation Order 2016 | Kangs ‘Drone Code’ Advisory Solicitors
The latest set of rules are an update to the 2016 Air Navigation Order and it is expected that a Drones Bill will pass through Parliament later this year with the intention of reducing the possibility of damage being caused to property and aircraft by the irresponsible use of the drones.
The New Drone Laws | Kangs Aviation Law Advisors
The new rules set out that Drones:
- must fly below an altitude of 400ft
- must not fly within 1km of any airport boundary
- weighing over 250g will need to be formally registered with the CAA
Drone Pilots:
- must be able to present their registration documents if requested to do so by the police
- be required to take a drone safety test before they are allowed to fly
- will be told to use apps to plan their flights to make sure that they are not entering unsafe or no-fly zones.
Recreational drone users must:
- always keep the drone within sight
- keep 500 feet away from people and buildings, if the drone is equipped with a camera
- avoid flying over or 150 feet near to open areas with more than 1,000 people present
- adhere to local council’s rules about drone flights in the area.
Breaking the Law | Kangs Drone Use Advisory Solicitors
Pilots who:
- fail to register with the CAA or sit the competency tests could now face fines of up to £1,000.
- flout the more substantive restrictions could end up in a criminal court charged with recklessly or negligently acting in a manner likely to endanger an aircraft, with the penalty being one of an unlimited fine and/or up to five years in prison
How Can We Help? | Kangs General Aviation Law Solicitors
Not only is Steven Micklewright a solicitor but he also holds a full EASA Private Pilot’s Licence, thereby offering a unique insight into the complex Air Navigation Order and Rules of the Air having been flying for a number of years and knowing first-hand the pressures for GA pilots when flying.
Steven’s dual pilot/lawyer qualification puts him in the best position to represent pilots facing Prosecution by the Civil Aviation Authority and is able to represent GA pilots from the start of the investigation process all the way through to the Prosecution and ultimately, and appearances in the Criminal Courts.
Who Can I Contact For Help? | Kangs Aviation Law Solicitors
If you face an investigation or prosecution by the CAA in relation to any of the matters referred to above, please feel free to contact Steven Micklewright who will be happy to provide you with some initial advice and assistance.
Tim Thompson
020 7936 6396 | 07989 521210