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The Windrush Generation | Kangs Immigration Solicitors


There has recently been considerable media coverage covering immigrants from Caribbean countries between 1948 and 1971, now labelled as ‘The Windrush Generation’, which is derived from the name of the ship upon which the original immigrants travelled

The History | Kangs Immigration Advisory Solicitors

After the end of World War II, the British Government, in view of the labour shortage in the UK, invited people from the Caribbean countries to travel to and live in the UK with the view to alleviating the work force problem.

The first group of immigrants arrived on 22nd June 1948 on a ship called MV Empire Windrush at Tilbury Docks, Essex. Thereafter, thousands of adults and children arrived in the UK until 1971.

What Has Led To The Current Crisis? | Kangs National Immigration Team

Of the estimated fifty thousand people who arrived in the UK in the first wave of Commonwealth Immigration:

  • many, who never formalised their residency status, face the risk of deportation
  • children who travelled on their parents’ passports and were frequently never naturalised
  • under the Immigration Act 1971, Commonwealth citizens already living in the UK were granted Indefinite Leave to Remain.
  • the Home Office did not keep proper records of those granted Leave to Remain or issue any paperwork
  • many of the Windrush Generation are now being told that they live in the UK illegally if they do not possess the required documentation

How Is The Situation Being Rectified? | Kangs Immigration Team

  • the Home Office has set up a team to help applicants demonstrate that they are entitled to work and live in the UK
  • those who have been wrongfully deported will be invited back to the UK
  • within two weeks of evidence being provided, applicants will receive assistance from the relevant departments
  • the Home Office will waive payment of fees normally payable for such applications.

How Can We Help? | Kangs National Immigration Team

If you are one of the Windrush Generation and require assistance in establishing your residential entitlement we are able to assist you in preparing and submitting your application to the Home Office and advising generally upon your position.

At Kangs Solicitors, our experienced team of immigration lawyers advise and assist clients with immigration status issues in the UK, on a daily basis.

We have a proven track record of successfully advising and guiding clients through the immigration application and appeals process.

Who Can I Contact For Help? | Kangs Immigration Solicitors

Please feel free to contact our Immigration Team through either of the following who will be happy to speak to you and guide you.

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